Positive Organisational Culture Content

This workshop aims to provide participants with information and tools they need to start building a positive culture for their own organisation, where both people and performance thrive. Having a positive workplace culture has been shown to not only increase employee engagement, job satisfaction and productivity, it can also:

“Account for 20-30% of the differential in corporate performance when compared with ‘culturally unremarkable’ competitors.”Professor James Heskett, Harvard Business School

Do you know what kind of culture your organisation has? Is it positive, negative, indifferent? How do you contribute to your organisational culture? Do you believe that you are able to impact organisational culture? Or do you believe that only leaders can determine an organisation’s culture?

All these questions and more will be explored in detail in the workshop. At the end of the workshop participants will understand:

  • what culture is, and what it isn’t
  • why culture is so important for success
  • how a positive culture can increase job satisfaction and increase productivity
  • how a positive culture is integral to successfully implementing change
  • how culture evolves
  • how culture is developed and maintained

Download the PDF Course Outline.


StressLess Learning works in partnership with clients to customise and refine all workshop content and duration to suit both organisational goals and individual learners requirements.

All course outlines are therefore to be used as a guide only.



Target audience

Anyone who wants to better understand and participate in building a positive culture for their organisation.

Positive Organisational Culture Overview

There are many definitions for organisational culture, one of the most popular practical definitions is “the way we do things around here”. But culture is so much more than this! A positive organisational culture encompasses the following:

  • shared vision and purpose
  • identity and narrative (the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves)
  • it’s beliefs
  • capabilities
  • values and behaviours

Organisational culture does not occur in a vacuum and is not dependent on any one person or intervention. There are several interactions and interventions that you can utilise to start being a positive agent for your organisation:

  • communication strategies
  • identifying other positive agents
  • using triads
  • positive leadership
  • change circles

As an additional offering, StressLess Learning is able to guide you through the use of the online Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) tool to get a quick overview of your organisation’s culture archetypes – and start a dialogue & change process that will help your organisation thrive.

The OCAI is a validated tool for assessing current and preferred organisational culture, developed by professors Robert Quinn and Kim Cameron of the University of Michigan, based on the Competing Values Framework. It’s been used by over 10,000 companies worldwide. The survey takes about 15 minutes. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Positive Organisational culture assessment instrument

Organisational culture assessment instrument

Other Organisational Development workshops and consulting

Please contact us if you would like to know more about our other Organisational Development workshop offerings:

  • strategic planning
  • values and behaviours
  • capability planning and frameworks
  • job family consulting

StressLess Learning, Training Experts